Intercolumniations are said to be the measurements of the space between columns in a colonade starting from the bottom of their shafts.
intercolumniation was determined from a system codified by the 1st-century bc Roman architect Vitruvius.

PycnostyleOne and a half diameters
Systyle Two diameters
Eustyle Two and a quarter diameters, considered by Vitruvius to be the best proportion
Diastyle Three diameters
Araeostyle Four or more diameters, requiring a wooden architrave rather than one of stone
Araeosystyle Alternating araeostyle and systyle
“We now proceed to the Eustylos, which is preferable as well in respect of convenience as of beauty and strength it’s intercolumniations are of two diameters and a quarter. The center intercolumniation, in front, and in the posticum, is three diameters.” -Vitruvius (De Architectura)