Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Who could ever live in a world without a cellphone, a T.V or a Car? In this ever changing world where technology is a neccesity, we humans depend on these to live our everyday lives. Long before the Cellphone had come up, there was the telegraph which was invented during the industrial revolution.

The Industrial revolution had a great impact on the world especially the building industry. Everything from machines and newer building materials made this period an essential part of the architectural world.

Machinery, steel and iron were the most noticeable advancements during this period. The shift from manual labor to machines has produced some of the earliest advancements in technology at that time.

Textile manufacturing gave way to the Cottage industry which allowed artisans to weave cloth in a certain fashion. Britain were already exporting their goods to other countries that provided them income and prosperity.

A model of the Spinning Jenny

Coal made fossil fuel manipulable to man that therefore made iron and steel for building purposes.

The Crystal Palace built in 1854 and is made out of cast-iron and glass. It showcased the Great exhibition that houses products from different countries at that time. It's creator, Joseph Paxton received recognition for his magnificent work.

The steam engine gave way to the first practical engine by Thomas Newcomen which powered most of the Industrial evolution.

Karl Benz, was the inventor of the gasoline powered automobile and is the founder of the automobile manufacturer Mercedes - Benz.

1885 Benz Patent Motorwaggen

Canals, roads, railways and bridges were built during this period.

Due to the increasing number in population, Child labor also took place in this era.Children were employed in cotton mills, factories, potteries and mining sites. The children weren't allowed to escape from their jobs and was given punishment when caught. Some were even decapitated because of the machines.

Population increase also brought in pollution. There was also poor Living conditions for people who couldn't afford a house. Even this early, there were already Social Statuses to consider.

1 comment:

  1. You use a picture of mine without permission (http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_YTAb5C1E1nE/TP-qUUxhFkI/AAAAAAAAALk/MQZKHTHs4KI/s400/0405_chrysler_building_02.jpg).

    Please delete it or credit:

    Courtesy Frank Jermann, Voelzberg, Germany


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