Saturday, May 28, 2011


An Architect’s way of thinking isn’t like any other. Architecture requires so many things not only with regards to art but with a variety of mental and creative approaches. It’s the same as being considerate of the people and the environment while giving them shelter of your own style. Talking about Style, It is a natural behavior of an Architect to be creative and expressive thus creating his own “style”. Just like the Star Architects, Creativity comes a long way with being an Architect. You are to think differently from others, approach things on a deeper sense and explore as well as learn from the surroundings, experiences and most of all, life. I have been amazed on how Architecture affects one’s life. It is beyond an art but a way of life. I once questioned myself that Maybe I took the wrong path by taking this course. Through the course of the year, I learned a lot beyond being able to draw or using computer programs, and that’s what made me realize that this is for me, this is me, and that this is and will be my Life.

Talking about Style, All the Artists have their own including Architects. This is pretty hard to get by, in fact I haven’t found my own yet, but I will. Right now I’m in the process of discovering it. Architecture Is a learning process. It’s not easy, I’m sure of that but nothing’s easy when it requires your energy, time and effort Is it?. As a person, we all have our Strengths and Weaknesses. We all experience Life. We are all vulnerable to our emotions and we are all creative. All of these affect on how we Approach Architecture, and that is how we create, design and imagine.

I have always been a fan of people who think differently, well that would be Architects of course. Many say Architecture is the queen of the Arts, well I can’t disagree with that. I always look for the reason why I’m designing, The inspiration, motivation or the experience. It’s the soul of the design or the building itself. I’ve been seeing everything as an inspiration nowadays and that serves as a basis of my designs. I’d like my structures to be remembered by people, not just something built for someone. Indeed, this is a free world, and as an Artist I can create anything I desire and that’s the beauty of it. That freedom is what I use to be unique and creative. I don’t want to be conventional, I want to be different and Original and that’s what’s going to bring identity to my designs. I don’t want to limit myself on a style, I want to explore and be known as someone who can adapt well to conditions while being unique at the same time. I don’t want to label myself as a Structuralist or whatever it is, I’m sure that I’m going to discover that as I continue. As of the moment, I’ am writing of what I think will be what I’ll be doing for the rest of my life. I’m writing through what I know and believe in and that this is vulnerable to Change. I want to be an architect whose designs are moving forward, changing and evolving and not stuck in the past.

Dynamic, Modern, and Simple, that is how I like to design. I always prefer open spaces than crowded ones. Light and air are also important, Curves rather than edges and Natural while being Dynamic. I have a wide range of Inspirations including Corbusier, Rem Koolhas and Frank Lloyd Wright. I have been inspired of the way the approach designing and try to think as an Architect should think. Clients are first to consider in designing, as well as their preferences. I also like designing interior spaces In relation to the exterior. I give importance to spatial planning and purpose of spaces. Glass brings the outside in, somehow that’s why I like using glass in designs. I give detail to how to the structure is made somehow showing the Structural elements. I try to bring natural elements to my designs and make it a part of the structure. Aside from how it looks, I also consider my buildings being able to make an impression on people. I’d like my works to be timeless regardless of how old or new it is. I’d like to provide design solutions that will improve design quality of Architects.

Living in the Philippines, we all are limited in terms of materials, budget and weather conditions. I’ am also considerate of all of these aspects in our profession because it is important for a Tropical country to adapt to certain conditions. I would also like to build eco-friendly structures if given a chance.

Our country has a small architectural community. My goal as an Architect is to be an influence to all Architects and be able to make buildings for the better of the people. I’d like to build structures that’ll help people in a way. My dream is to help improve our country’s Architectural state. Promote modern living and lifestyle while not altering the traditional Filipino Lifestyle. I do not limit myself to the problems our country is facing, I believe that Architects can approach problems like these by approaching it and applying it to the designs to arrive to a solution. I ‘am open to all building types and I do not Limit myself in a certain genre of Architecture. I want my buildings to speak for itself and be able to express a certain emotion from it. I understand that not everyone thinks Like an Architect does. One time, I showed my sister this house I was working on and she couldn’t understand my concept no matter well I understand it. Well, I guess it is also the job of an Architect to make others understand, relate, motivate, inspire and affect lives of others. Good Luck for me.

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